The Muuni Fund Advisory Committee Meeting
Muuni fund held an Advisory Committee meeting to ensure that the Fund is implemented and operationalised in a set governance structure. This Advisory Committee consists of: the Ministry of Information and Digitization (MoID), Ministry of Local Government, Unity and Culture (MoLGUC), Office of the President and Cabinet (OPC), Registrar General (RG), National Commission of Science and Technology (NCST), National Planning Commission (NPC), Independent Schools Association of Malawi (ISAMA), AIRTEL, Malawi Bureau of Standards (MBS), Bankers Association of Malawi (BAM) and TEVETA.
This Advisory Committee will provide governance of the fund as mandated by Section 27 of the Communications Act which allows MACRA to establish a consultative or advisory fora in the communications sector to assist the Authority with discharging its functions. The role of this Advisory Committee is to oversee the overall implementation of the fund through the provision of strategic guidance.
The Muuni Fund is an ICT research and innovative fund which is being implemented through District Councils to incubate local research and innovation across Malawi. The Fund’s main purpose is to provide a sustainable environment that fosters research and innovation for local solutions.
The Muuni Fund is an ICT research and innovative fund which is being implemented through District Councils to incubate local research and innovation across Malawi.

Malawi Communications Regulatory Authority Director General Daud Suleman stressed the need for collaboration and coherence in the Malawian research and innovation ecosystem. Further the team leader for the Muuni fund Miss Wezi Salima emphasized that this Advisory committee will also serve as a platform for MACRA and all key stakeholders to share information on ongoing and planned activities.